Back in Kansas, a momentous event occurred on November 4, when my son Jesse departed on a 3-month journey on his bicycle. He will journey west from Kansas, across the United States to California, then travel south to Baja California in Mexico. In total, he'll go 3000 miles, or four times the length of Italy!
Jesse and I before his departure |
While I've been traveling in Italy more often over the past two years, Jesse has been working to save money for this trip, and he took care of my house and yard while I was gone. His presence at home was a big factor in my ability to stay in Italy for months at a time. Now it's his turn to travel! He's giving himself plenty of time to explore the areas he plans to visit.
Loaded bicycle, ready to go! |
Some people think Jesse was inspired by my travels, but it's actually the other way around. Jesse has lived in Georgia, San Francisco and Tokyo, Japan. His interest in languages and exploring other cultures inspired me to travel in Italy and learn Italian.
On the road |
He'll be writing about his adventures on his own blog:
Fireflies and Snow
Buon viaggio, mio figlio! Divertiti!
What an amazing adventure to be setting out on. I am going to add his blog to the blogroll on my travel Tales blog so I can follow with interest. :)
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