Friday, September 13, 2013

Ischia : Castello Aragonese

Castello Aragonese
Castello Aragonese has a rich history, and stands like a sentinel watching over the east end of the island of Ischia. First built by Greeks, then conquered by Roman and Spanish forces, the castle is the most visited monument of the island.

From Wikipedia:
"The castle, which stands on a volcanic rock, was built by Hiero I of Syracuse in 474 BC.  In 326 BC the fortress was captured by Romans. In 1441, Alfonso V of Aragon connected the rock to the island with a stone bridge instead of the prior wood bridge, and fortified the walls in order to defend the inhabitants against the raids of pirates."

The Castello from Spiaggia dei Pescatori
Ischia from the Castello
A walkway on the south side of the Castle.
I took a tour of the Castle one evening, just before sunset. There's an elevator to take you to the top, and then you can walk down and explore the various parts of the fortress.

Roaming around the fortress
Here I am, sitting on the ponte (bridge) leading from the Castello to Ischia Ponte

1 comment:

dawnmarie said...

Looks like a very picturesque place!