Sunday, September 23, 2012

EVVIVA! Become More blog 2006-2010

At long last, my old blog has finally been retrieved, after two years in limbo, somewhere in cyberspace. My son was able to retrieve it this weekend, and now you'll have access to many more posts of my travels and photos: five trips to Italy and one to Japan, between 2006-2010.

However, when the posts were retrieved, they brought with them a few coding errors, which I'll be taking care of as time permits. But for now, the posts are still quite readable, and you can access the blog via this link (which is also listed on the blogroll on the right side of the page):

Become More blog 2006-2010

Divertitevi! (enjoy yourselves)


LindyLouMac said...

I am so pleased your son has recovered your blog for you.

marybeth said...

grazie, LindyLou!

As happy as I am to have it back, losing it forced me to start his new one, which I like much better. The layout and design on blogspot is much simpler to use and has more to offer.
